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Cebu Dentist Tour is by far an expanding tour of interest. Dentistry is far cheaper in the Cebu then in the US. And quality of work is the same. There are many people who make a vacation and dentist visit at the same time. The money saved on the dentistry can easily help cover the cost of your vacation. So why not get your teeth fixed and have a partially paid vacation?

Just as an idea of prices, a local dentist here in StL priced my wife's needed root canal, post, cap at $1800 the work done at the office below would be about $90. Get your teeth pearly white for about Peso 12,000 [$225 ] in the states you will pay about $500+.

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Metro Park Hotel  

Below is a picture of the modern office for dental work located within the Metro Park Hotel. Most all of the dental techs are single females and are on the site. Our Cebu mom went to is Dra. Meriam Yap to have about 12 teeth fixed for about $350. Boy does mom look great now. The whole family had their teeth cleaned and fixed for a price less then most dinners cost. Around $8 per person.

In October 2005, my wife, her family and I all visited Dra. Yap. My father-in-law, had a tooth extracted, mom, sister, brother and dad all had their teeth cleaned. 3000 pesos (for less then $60 @ 55p/$) for all. While in the office, we ran into a client from Australia. I await his letter to see how his visit went. We can now highly recommend Dra. Yap even compared to US standards. And not to forget to mention the great work and price too.

Dra Yap's office in the Metro Park Hotel

Dra Yap working on Lorena
Dra. Yap working on Lorena's teeth.

As you can see you can get your teeth fixed and come home with a beautiful Filipina Fiancé at the same time. Map location - http://www.in-cebu.com/metropark/  

For inquiries, comments and reservations online, please contact  

Dra. Meriam Yap
Metro Park Dental Clinic
Saint Lawrence St., Lahug
Cebu City, Cebu 6000

E-mail: yapstepheng@yahoo.com 

Tel #: 
(63 32) 233-3887 or (63 32) 233-3883 local 220
 Fax #: (63 32) 233-0130

Please ask to be connected to dental clinic to set an appointment. 

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JY Square Mall, Cebu

Another recommended a great dentist is Dr. & Dra. Fernando in Cebu. They do beautiful work and she sings to you while she does the work. She and her husband are a charming couple. They have their own lab. They felt they could not get the quality of work they required, here in Cebu, only from the labs in Manila. So they set up their own lab. 

They are located in the JY Square Mall at the end of the Gorordo Avenue. The Golden Peak Hotel as the closest landmark, and Salinas Drive, on which the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel is located. The mall is a few minutes drive from Cebu City Marriott Hotel, the Cebu Grand Hotel, the Vacation Hotel and West Gorordo Hotel. The mall is also downhill from the new Marco Polo Plaza Hotel, which was the old Cebu Plaza Hotel.

Dr. and Dra. Fernando

Dr. & Dra. Fernando

Dra. Fernando

Dra. Fernando

Dr. Enrique (Ric) & Dra. Arnette Fernando, DDM
Fernando Dental Clinic
Level 3, JY Square Mall
1 Salinas Drive cor. Gorordo Ave.
Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines 6000
E-mail: fernandodentalclinic@yahoo.com
Tel #. (63 32) 232-0911  

We're open from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Mondays to Saturdays.

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Site last Updated: 13 April, 2007